
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am writing an
update to share with you that I am rapidly approaching a road of
uncertainty.  On Sunday, April 19th,
I will close out my time in Kenya, possibly for good.  I know that a season of rest awaits me and
for that, I am truly grateful.  However,
I am currently plagued with a wide array of emotions.  The majority of which, are how do I end my
time in Kenya?  What closure do I
need?  How do I end my time here well?  Then of course, the other obvious thing is
what’s next?  Let me start by telling you
that I currently don’t have any answers to these questions.  I have a tremendous peace about this season
of my life coming to a close.  Also, I am
eagerly excited about figuring out what is next for me.  I know that the Lord is revealing his steps
to me as he prepares me.  I know that he
is challenging me to step out in trust and in faith in ways that I haven’t
yet.  The Lord is growing me and
fathering me into a man who is after his heart. 
I have been feeling for some time that the Lord is asking more of me now
then what I even feel capable of.  There
are times where I want to “turn tail” and run because I am afraid of what the
Lord is going to ask of me, but then he gives me the strength to press on
towards his obedience.  Then I also
realize; what can the Lord ask of me that I have not already given.  I have given up safety, security, a seemingly
normal life, a career, money, an essentially my own life.  Therefore, I have nothing to fear.  Ultimately, I continue to arrive at a fuller
understanding that I am his beloved.  He
always takes care of his beloved.

This season of my
life has been the most difficult that I have ever walked in.  I have faced more emotions and
discouragements then I ever have.  It
seemed like one thing after another kept battering against me weighing me
down.  Thankfully, the Lord used this to
teach me so much.  I don’t think I have
ever had a season of such intense growth and understanding as this one.  The Lord used this time to remind me that I
am his; that my entire identity can be summed up in that, “I am his.”  I certainly feel comfortable saying that my
leadership has never been challenged as much as it was during this season of
life.  I learned a lot about perseverance
in this time.  There were so many days
when I found myself asking, “Is it even worth trying anymore.”  I had to weekly fight off the temptation to
become disengaged altogether and just drift through my time here.  Every day, I had to tell myself that God has
called me here for this time and this season so I need to soldier through
whatever comes my way.  He certainly did
not call me to complacency or apathy.  It
pleases me to say that the Lord gave me strength and fresh perspectives each
and every day to flourish even in the midst of turmoil.  The Lord spoke to me very clear about
this.  He told me that my responsibility
is to grow wherever he plants me.  In a
way, I guess that I could summarize my time in Kenya by that.  The Lord planted me in the desert and
challenged me to figure out how to grow. 
I am so grateful for this because I did! 
I’m also very grateful for those that encouraged me or lifted me up in
prayer because I certainly would not have made it through this time without

I wanted to close out this update
with a few prayer requests.

Pray that I can end my time in Kenya well.

Pray for safe travels for the team and me as we
leave Sunday night.

Pray for wisdom and discernment as I try to
figure out what is next.

Pray that the Lord will show me what it means to
have a season of rest.

Pray for my heart, as it still needs more

Thank you again for making all of
this possible and for allowing me to walk out my relationship with the Lord in
front of all of you.




  1. prayers as you leave. I’ve walked that road and it’s difficult. prayers also as you learn to rest and recover and heal. call me when you get stateside. I’d love to hear more about this past few months. My cell: 308-991-5255.


  2. Hey there. We are still praying for you here in DC. And on a side note, I have some job ideas I know of availabilities you may want to pray about/consider. Email me or Facebook me if u want more info. No pressure either way just have some ideas to share if you’re interested.

    Annie Laurie Walters
    McLean Bible/Frontline

  3. Hey Kid!

    You are so silly! Have you not heard this saying “Let go and let God!”?

    I can’t believe that you are really spending one minute of your time worrying about what comes next. You don’t need to knowGod knows.

    If He asks you to go to the moon, He’ll give you a rocket to get there.

    I’m so looking forward to one of your tall hugs.

    The Lord will show you what He wants you to do next and we’ll all be there to encourage you. Don’t be surprised if He wants you to stay at home for awhile and share what He has let you do for Him.

    I’ll bet Youth For Christ kids could use your testimony to give them hope and strength to rely upon the Lord.

    I love you and of course the Lord and I will stay in touch.



  4. Jason,

    We have been praying and will continue to do so! Give me a call when you are in town so we can get together.

    I love you, my friend!

  5. “In his heart a man plans his course,
    but the LORD determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

    I love that verse. I’ve had to read that one more than once…a LOT more than once. 🙂 In fact, I realized just now that I haven’t been applying it to a couple areas of my life right now…

    Anyway, I am so glad to hear that God is bringing you such peace right now! He is truly amazing! I will definitely be praying for you as you are moving through this transition…that God will guide you through the end of one part of your life and the beginning of another! To God be the glory!

    Thank you for all that you have been sharing in these updates! God has been using these to teach me a lot about what He calls His servants to…and many other lessons as well.

    You are in my prayers!

  6. Dear Jason
    Thankyou for keeping us all in the ‘loop’ though we know that has to be painful at times.
    We are still praying for God’s best for you in this transition.
    Does AIM give you direction/counsel throughout your time of sabbatical?
    We love you Brother,
    Rod Chris and kids

  7. I’m covering you in prayer! i’m proud of you and all you’re allowing the Lord to do in and through you. I know this season has been extremely difficult, but you’ve been faithful. May this next season be one where He restores every part of you and continues to bring healing and wholeness. I pray for grace in this season, for patience and that you’ll simply enjoy the Lord! I’m praying that God continues to show you what it means to bloom where you’re planted. He’s about bearing fruit in you. Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made to lead this team, to love on them and guide them and show them glimpses of the Kingdom. I’m proud of you, the Father is SO proud of you. Can’t wait to have you back in G’ville and catch up. see you in a few hours. much love bro!

  8. hey there!
    Well you are in the midst of your traveling back to the states right now but perhaps you will have internet connection sometime soon.

    we are holding you before the throne of grace, confident that He will supply you with all that you need during this season of wilderness.

    give us a call when you are free for dinner. You can even hang out here for a few days if you need a place.

    If you are in the area, Zachary’s Eagle Court of Honor is Sunday, April 26th, 2:30 at the Camp Ministry Center. Love to have you be a part of the celebration.
    talk with you soon-

  9. J Drive-
    You are home by now. God IS. I pray for you and am VERY assured that He is delighted with the path He has for you. I will pray that you will continue to press into Him and find that intimacy. That is the perfect place for you! I’ve seen you when you are there! If you have time…Holla!

    His and therefore yours,

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